Our Technology

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Preserving Clear Vision Through Our Technology

West Coast Optical is committed to creating a productive patient experience by incorporating different diagnostic technologies and tools. Our investment in technology allows us to detect, diagnose, and manage a wide range of eye conditions with greater precision and efficiency. 

By using innovative technology, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), retinal cameras, and a convenient 4-in-1 tool, our team can help make a difference in our patients’ visual health.

From early detection of eye diseases to managing conditions, our team uses our technology to streamline the experience. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

Early Detection & Treatment

Your eye health is our top priority, and our diagnostic tools enable us to provide comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs. 

Whether you’re coming in for a routine eye exam or need specialized care for a specific condition, you can trust that our technology and experience will be there for you and your family.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

OCT helps us rule out and assess macular degeneration and glaucoma. 

One of the most important tools in our diagnostic arsenal is optical coherence tomography (OCT). A noninvasive imaging test, OCT uses light waves to take cross-sectional images of your retina, helping provide detailed information about its layers. 

With OCT, we can detect and monitor serious eye conditions like macular degeneration and glaucoma early on—sometimes before you notice symptoms. By capturing high-resolution images of your eye’s internal structures, OCT allows us to track changes over time.

Why OCT Matters

  • Tracks progression over time to guide effective treatment plans.
  • Early detection of macular degeneration and glaucoma.
  • Noninvasive, quick, and painless test.

Retinal Camera

Monitoring eye health over time and following progression.

Our retinal camera enables us to take digital images of the back of your eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. This technology is essential for detecting and monitoring eye conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertension-related eye changes, and other retinal disorders.

By documenting your retinal health at each visit, we can follow the progression of any abnormalities and help you receive the proper care to maintain your vision.

Benefits of Retinal Imaging

  • Tracks changes in your eye health over time.
  • Detects signs of systemic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Allows for detailed comparison between visits to monitor the progression of conditions.

AR/Keratometry/NCT: Comprehensive Eye Health Assessments

We use a convenient, 4-in-1 diagnostic tool to determine your prescription, learn about your cornea, and screen for glaucoma.

The Huvitz HTR-1A system is a 4-in-1 device that combines autorefraction (AR), keratometry, non-contact tonometry (NCT), and pachymetry in one compact unit. 

The 4-in-1 system includes:

  • Autorefraction (AR) measures your refractive error to help determine your prescription for glasses or contact lenses.
  • Keratometry measures the curvature of your cornea, which is vital for diagnosing conditions like keratoconus and fitting contact lenses.
  • Non-contact tonometry (NCT) measures intraocular pressure to screen for glaucoma.
  • Pachymetry measures corneal thickness, which is crucial in assessing your risk for glaucoma and determining the best course of treatment.

Benefits of AR/Keratometry/NCT

  • Comfortable, noninvasive tests that take just a few minutes.
  • Provides fast, accurate measurements for vision correction.
  • Essential for detecting conditions like glaucoma and keratoconus.

Elevating Your Eye Care with Our Technology

We believe in personalized, thorough care—our technology is just another way to deliver on that. Our diagnostic technology helps us detect and manage conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic eye diseases.

By using technology, we can help safeguard your vision and maintain your eye health for years to come. Contact us to schedule your appointment today and experience our technology for yourself.

Come See Us

Find us right on the Fraser Highway near the Langley/Surrey border, one block from Willowbrook Shopping Centre in Langley!

Our Address

  • 102B 19475 Fraser Hwy
  • Surrey, BC V3S 6K7

Contact Information

Our Hours

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Friday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
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Our Blog

Should I Go to the Doctor for Pink Eye?


Pink eye is often associated with childhood infections, but anyone can get it. If you’ve woken up with red, itchy eyes or someone in your household has developed tell-tale redness, you’re likely wondering, “Is this pink eye? And do I need to see a doctor?”  Fortunately, most cases of pink eye will resolve themselves with […]

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February 6, 2025
West Coast Optical

Why Do My Eyes Hurt When I Wake Up?

Digital Eye StrainDry EyeEye Health & Vision

Waking up should feel refreshing, but for many, it comes with an annoying twist—sore, irritated eyes. This discomfort is surprisingly common and can have a real impact on your mornings and productivity. Typically, eye pain in the morning is caused by 1 or a combination of factors, including dry eyes, environmental conditions, poor contact lens […]

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February 6, 2025
West Coast Optical

Do Eye Drops Expire?

Dry EyeEye Disease Diagnosis & ManagementEye Health & Vision

Eye drops are a staple in many of our medicine cabinets, providing relief from dryness, redness, and irritation, or even helping manage medical conditions like glaucoma. But what happens when those little bottles sit unused for months (or years)? Can you still use them, or is it time to toss them out?  Yes, eye drops […]

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January 14, 2025
West Coast Optical
Against a pink background, an adult in a pink shirt stands with red, swollen eyes and a tissue in hand

Pink eye is often associated with childhood infections, but anyone can get it. If you’ve woken up with red, itchy eyes or someone in your household has developed tell-tale redness, you’re likely wondering, “Is this pink eye? And do I need to see a doctor?”  Fortunately, most cases of pink eye will resolve themselves with […]

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A person waking up in bed covers their eyes due to pain.

Waking up should feel refreshing, but for many, it comes with an annoying twist—sore, irritated eyes. This discomfort is surprisingly common and can have a real impact on your mornings and productivity. Typically, eye pain in the morning is caused by 1 or a combination of factors, including dry eyes, environmental conditions, poor contact lens […]

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An image of 2 eye drop bottles on a table, 1 is tipped over and the other is standing up.

Eye drops are a staple in many of our medicine cabinets, providing relief from dryness, redness, and irritation, or even helping manage medical conditions like glaucoma. But what happens when those little bottles sit unused for months (or years)? Can you still use them, or is it time to toss them out?  Yes, eye drops […]

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