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West Coast Optical Presents 4 Easy Eye Wear Tips for Active Lifestyles

If you’re an eyeglass wearer with an active lifestyle, you know the frustration that comes with taking care of your eye wear during hard, physical activities.  Talk to your optician about your activities when discussing eye wear.  When contact lenses aren’t an option, here are some tips for saving your eyeglasses while you work, play […]

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West Coast Optical Suggests What You Should Look for When Purchasing Designer Eye Wear this Season

The eye wear world has come a long way since the days of making fun of the “four-eyed” kids on the playground who had to wear eyeglasses. Still, even though wearing glasses is a lot more common than it was in your grandparents’ day, the greatest trend in designer eye wear continues to be the […]

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West Coast Optical’s Advice on How to Care for Your Sunglasses & Eyeglasses

Plenty of people go to great lengths to find a pair of stylish sunglasses, yet most fail to take proper care of them. Sunglass lenses are easily scratched and the frames can be bent without much pressure.  Eyeglasses of all types are quite sensitive and they should be treated with considerable care. Those who spend […]

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West Coast Optical Offers Competitive Prices for Designer Eyeglasses – Surrey, BC Eyeglasses have become stylish and chic

Gone are the days where one had to wear thick unflattering glasses because of poor eyesight. Today’s styles have come a long way and many fashion designers have jumped in on the action and created some stunning, flattering eyewear. There are so many frames and styles to choose from these days, but it goes without […]

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4 Tips for Choosing the Best in Surrey, Eyeglasses to Suit Your Facial Shape

Whether you’re investing in eyeglasses because you need them for visual correction or simply want to accessorize, the chances are you want something that makes you look good. In Surrey there is a great variety of options offered at West Coast Optical, choosing the best one can be tough. Take a look at some of […]

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Surrey Optometrist at West Coast Optical Gives Back to the Community through Eyeglass Donations

Surrey, British Columbia – December 15, 2014 – West Coast Optical is taking eyeglass donations from anybody that wants to help them in their mission to give back to the community. Head Surrey optometrist Dr. Grace Wong will ensure that your unwanted glasses are sent to third-world countries with a need for eyewear due to […]

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