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Category: Designer Sunglasses

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The Best Eyeglass Frames for Your Face Shape

A young adult winks behind a pair of purple-star-shaped sunglasses against a purple background.

Finding the perfect pair of eyeglasses can be as challenging as finding the right pair of jeans. You want something that complements your natural features, enhances your style, and feels comfortable. But did you know that picking eyeglass frames that match your face shape can make all the difference to your look? While almost no […]

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to the Sun?

A man with a beard wearing stylish sunglasses.

Who would think that something like our eye colour could determine how safe we are in the sun? Well, blue eyes—along with other light colours like grey or green—are more sensitive to damage from the sun. With that said, darker colours aren’t immune to damage, so everyone should prioritize protecting their eyes when outdoors—regardless of […]

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4 Tips for Choosing the Best in Surrey, Eyeglasses to Suit Your Facial Shape

Whether you’re investing in eyeglasses because you need them for visual correction or simply want to accessorize, the chances are you want something that makes you look good. In Surrey there is a great variety of options offered at West Coast Optical, choosing the best one can be tough. Take a look at some of […]

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Complete Selection of Designer Sunglasses Now Available at Discount Pricing Through West Coast Optical

Leading Surrey, BC-based eye care specialist, West Coast Optical is now presenting clients with a comprehensive array of designer sunglasses.West Coast Optical is part of the largest eyewear buying group in the country, allowing them to offer discount pricing on brand name sunglasses from manufacturers such as Ray Ban, Guess, and many others. […]

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