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Category: Eye Health & Vision

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The Best & Worst Foods for Your Eye Health 

Pieces of kale lay on top of a cutting board sitting on a wooden surface.

Taking care of your eyes involves more than just regular check-ups—it also includes what you put on your plate. Our eyes are our windows to the world, allowing us to experience its beauty and wonders. That’s why taking care of our eye health and—preventing potential eye diseases—is essential to maintaining good vision and overall well-being.  […]

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Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

Eye doctor examining a senior patient's eye with a slit lamp.

Imagine a world where your vision gradually narrows, like a tunnel slowly closing in. The silent thief of sight, known as glaucoma, can sneak up without warning until there is significant damage. Understanding this group of eye diseases is essential because glaucoma has a hereditary component along with other risk factors. The fact that glaucoma […]

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to the Sun?

A man with a beard wearing stylish sunglasses.

Who would think that something like our eye colour could determine how safe we are in the sun? Well, blue eyes—along with other light colours like grey or green—are more sensitive to damage from the sun. With that said, darker colours aren’t immune to damage, so everyone should prioritize protecting their eyes when outdoors—regardless of […]

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Myopia vs. Hyperopia: What’s The Difference?

A man and his son wearing glasses and laying on the floor laughing.

When it comes to vision, not all eyes see alike. Myopia and hyperopia impact millions of people across the globe, causing poor vision at various distances. Although myopia and hyperopia are the same type of eye problem—they’re both refractive errors—they have a significant difference. Myopia primarily affects the distant vision, and hyperopia affects the close-up […]

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