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Category: Eye Health & Vision

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Myopia vs. Hyperopia: What’s The Difference?

A man and his son wearing glasses and laying on the floor laughing.

When it comes to vision, not all eyes see alike. Myopia and hyperopia impact millions of people across the globe, causing poor vision at various distances. Although myopia and hyperopia are the same type of eye problem—they’re both refractive errors—they have a significant difference. Myopia primarily affects the distant vision, and hyperopia affects the close-up […]

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Do Contacts Protect Your Eyes From the Sun?

A woman using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun

Summer is here. That means it’s time for rest, relaxation, and sunshine. You know you need sunglasses for UV protection, but what does that mean for contact lens wearers? West Coast Optical wants to ensure your eyes are protected so you can catch some rays without worrying about your eye health. What is UV Light? […]

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Can An Optometrist Treat Eye Infections?

A young girl using her finger to touch just below her swollen, infected right eye

Treatment for Eye Infections Optometrists are trained to understand how vision works, including recognizing eye disease, vision problems, and eye injuries. Regular eye exams help optometrists diagnose changes to vision and eye health. In addition to observing your eye health, optometrists can also treat many health conditions affecting eye structures and tissue. One common type […]

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