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Do Eye Drops Expire?

An image of 2 eye drop bottles on a table, 1 is tipped over and the other is standing up.

Eye drops are a staple in many of our medicine cabinets, providing relief from dryness, redness, and irritation, or even helping manage medical conditions like glaucoma. But what happens when those little bottles sit unused for months (or years)? Can you still use them, or is it time to toss them out?  Yes, eye drops […]

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How Long Does It Take To Adjust To New Glasses?

A young brunette woman adjusts her new glasses.

Getting new glasses can be exciting, but it’s not unusual to feel a bit uncomfortable as your eyes and brain adapt to the changes. Whether you’re wearing glasses for the first time, updating your prescription, or trying out a different lens type, the adjustment process can take some time.  Knowing what to expect and how […]

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What Are the First Signs of Cataracts?

A close-up image of a senior's eye with a cataract beginning to develop.

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision impairment worldwide. But the good news is that early detection and treatment can help preserve your sight. Some of the first signs of cataracts to be aware of include: One of the things that can make cataracts tricky to detect is the fact that the changes […]

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How Do I Properly Clean My Eyeglasses?

Someone’s hand holds a pair of pink framed eyeglasses under running tap water as an initial step to cleaning them

Eyeglasses are more than just a style statement—they’re essential for clarity and focus. But smudged or dirty lenses can quickly blur your vision and frustrate you. Learning how to clean your eyeglasses properly ensures crystal-clear sight and prolongs the life of your lenses and frames.   Proper form when cleaning your glasses is easier than you […]

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The Best & Worst Foods for Your Eye Health 

Pieces of kale lay on top of a cutting board sitting on a wooden surface.

Taking care of your eyes involves more than just regular check-ups—it also includes what you put on your plate. Our eyes are our windows to the world, allowing us to experience its beauty and wonders. That’s why taking care of our eye health and—preventing potential eye diseases—is essential to maintaining good vision and overall well-being.  […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurred Vision?

A slightly out-of-focus image of a young adult taking off their glasses to rub their eyes in frustration from blurry vision caused by dry eyes.

Dry eyes aren’t just inconvenient—they’re often extremely frustrating, and they may require treatment to resolve. This condition tends to develop slowly, and it leaves your eyes feeling gritty, sore, and tired. It’s easily recognizable by a constant stinging sensation that makes you constantly want to rub your eyes. But can dry eyes also cause blurred […]

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The Best Eyeglass Frames for Your Face Shape

A young adult winks behind a pair of purple-star-shaped sunglasses against a purple background.

Finding the perfect pair of eyeglasses can be as challenging as finding the right pair of jeans. You want something that complements your natural features, enhances your style, and feels comfortable. But did you know that picking eyeglass frames that match your face shape can make all the difference to your look? While almost no […]

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