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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to the Sun?

A man with a beard wearing stylish sunglasses.

Who would think that something like our eye colour could determine how safe we are in the sun? Well, blue eyes—along with other light colours like grey or green—are more sensitive to damage from the sun. With that said, darker colours aren’t immune to damage, so everyone should prioritize protecting their eyes when outdoors—regardless of […]

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Myopia vs. Hyperopia: What’s The Difference?

A man and his son wearing glasses and laying on the floor laughing.

When it comes to vision, not all eyes see alike. Myopia and hyperopia impact millions of people across the globe, causing poor vision at various distances. Although myopia and hyperopia are the same type of eye problem—they’re both refractive errors—they have a significant difference. Myopia primarily affects the distant vision, and hyperopia affects the close-up […]

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Are Polarized Sunglasses Better For Your Eyes?

A person with short dark blonde hair smiles on a beach. They are wearing polarized sunglasses and a blue and white striped shirt.

Polarized sunglasses have gained popularity in recent years, with many claiming that they are better for your eyes than regular sunglasses. Polarized sunglasses have a special filter that blocks horizontal light waves, reducing glare and improving vision.  Polarized sunglasses can improve visual clarity and comfort by filtering out harsh glare and reflections to reduce eye […]

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Different Types of Contact Lenses: Your Guide

Close up of contact lens solution being applied to contact lenses in their container

Contact lenses can be a convenient alternative to more traditional forms of vision correction. They’re comfortable, convenient, and let you keep your natural look.  But there isn’t just one type of contact lens—there are types for every situation, including: It’s essential to schedule a contact lens fitting and exam with your optometrist to determine the […]

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What to Do with Old Glasses

A close-up of an old pair of glasses with numerous scratches on its lens.

At some point, you’ll likely need to update your glasses prescription. It’s a great way to enjoy shopping for a new, stylish pair of frames. But there’s one important question many people ask themselves: what do you do with the old pair?

You can always:

See if your optometrist can reuse the frames

Donate them

Recycle them

Repurpose them for an art project […]

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