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Category: Contact Lenses

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Can I Use My Eyeglass Prescription for Contact Lenses?

Topdown view of a prescription corrected eyewear order form surrounded by glasses and various optical tools.

Glasses can provide you with clear vision, but what happens if you want contact lenses? Can you use your current prescription to get contacts? The answer is more complex than you think.  Glasses and contacts are similar, but they have a few key differences in how prescriptions work. You can’t convert your glasses prescription to […]

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Different Types of Contact Lenses: Your Guide

Close up of contact lens solution being applied to contact lenses in their container

Contact lenses can be a convenient alternative to more traditional forms of vision correction. They’re comfortable, convenient, and let you keep your natural look.  But there isn’t just one type of contact lens—there are types for every situation, including: It’s essential to schedule a contact lens fitting and exam with your optometrist to determine the […]

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How Do Contact Lenses Work?

A woman putting a contact lens on her right eye using her right hand with her left hand holding her eyelid.

A popular alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses offer a convenient and comfortable solution for vision correction, made possible through contact lens exams and fittings. By redirecting light to focus correctly on the retina, contact lenses can offer clear vision without the necessity of frames, creating a smooth visual experience. What Contact Lenses Do Contact lenses […]

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Do Contacts Protect Your Eyes From the Sun?

A woman using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun

Summer is here. That means it’s time for rest, relaxation, and sunshine. You know you need sunglasses for UV protection, but what does that mean for contact lens wearers? West Coast Optical wants to ensure your eyes are protected so you can catch some rays without worrying about your eye health. What is UV Light? […]

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Can You Sleep With Contact Lenses?

A woman sleeping on her side at night with a large clock behind her reading 3:20am

Contacts are convenient, but they aren’t a grab-and-go option—they require diligent care and maintenance. Your Contact Lens Fitter will teach you everything you need to know about contact lenses when you get a new prescription. One question you may have is if you can sleep with contact lenses?  Continue reading to learn more about contact […]

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Do I Need an Eye Test for Contact Lenses?

A close up of a woman holding her finger up to her eye with a contact lens resting on the tip ready to place it on her eye

Make no mistake: We love eyeglasses at West Coast Optical. We stock our optical boutique with all the latest trends in frames and lenses, and rock the most fashionable specs in town. However, we completely understand why our clients would consider switching to contact lenses.  Over the last decade, there have been significant advancements in […]

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