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Category: Eye Exams

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What Are the First Signs of Cataracts?

A close-up image of a senior's eye with a cataract beginning to develop.

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision impairment worldwide. But the good news is that early detection and treatment can help preserve your sight. Some of the first signs of cataracts to be aware of include: One of the things that can make cataracts tricky to detect is the fact that the changes […]

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Myopia vs. Hyperopia: What’s The Difference?

A man and his son wearing glasses and laying on the floor laughing.

When it comes to vision, not all eyes see alike. Myopia and hyperopia impact millions of people across the globe, causing poor vision at various distances. Although myopia and hyperopia are the same type of eye problem—they’re both refractive errors—they have a significant difference. Myopia primarily affects the distant vision, and hyperopia affects the close-up […]

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Do I Need an Eye Test for Contact Lenses?

A close up of a woman holding her finger up to her eye with a contact lens resting on the tip ready to place it on her eye

Make no mistake: We love eyeglasses at West Coast Optical. We stock our optical boutique with all the latest trends in frames and lenses, and rock the most fashionable specs in town. However, we completely understand why our clients would consider switching to contact lenses.  Over the last decade, there have been significant advancements in […]

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