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West Coast Optical Explains the Role Your Optometrist Plays in Your Health Care

Some confusion exists between the terms “optometrist”, “ophthalmologist”, and the good old-fashioned “eye doctor.” Technically, the two first terms are classifications of types of eye doctors. The difference is that the primary duty of an optometrist is to prescribe glasses and contact lenses and evaluate the general visual health of his patients. An ophthalmologist, on the […]

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Improve the Way Your Eyes Both Look & See with Coloured Contact Lenses from West Coast Optical

Contact lenses have undergone many amazing advancements over the years but none are more fun than colour changing contact lenses.  From booking a gig to simply preferring a different eye color, there are many reasons people purchase coloured contacts. After all, people change their hair colour all the time, so why not change their eye […]

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3 Important Tips for Getting Your Eye Wear Clean — & Keeping Them That Way

What percentage of people wear eyeglasses? The answer might surprise you — an incredible 64% of people wear glasses, according to Statistic Brain, and almost everyone owns a pair of sunglasses.  Not surprisingly, there are several questions and concerns that are common to many glasses owners — and one important question concerns cleanliness. Exactly how do you […]

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