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Category: Eyewear

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3 Important Tips for Getting Your Eye Wear Clean — & Keeping Them That Way

What percentage of people wear eyeglasses? The answer might surprise you — an incredible 64% of people wear glasses, according to Statistic Brain, and almost everyone owns a pair of sunglasses.  Not surprisingly, there are several questions and concerns that are common to many glasses owners — and one important question concerns cleanliness. Exactly how do you […]

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West Coast Optical Presents 4 Easy Eye Wear Tips for Active Lifestyles

If you’re an eyeglass wearer with an active lifestyle, you know the frustration that comes with taking care of your eye wear during hard, physical activities.  Talk to your optician about your activities when discussing eye wear.  When contact lenses aren’t an option, here are some tips for saving your eyeglasses while you work, play […]

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West Coast Optical Offers Competitive Prices for Designer Eyeglasses – Surrey, BC Eyeglasses have become stylish and chic

Gone are the days where one had to wear thick unflattering glasses because of poor eyesight. Today’s styles have come a long way and many fashion designers have jumped in on the action and created some stunning, flattering eyewear. There are so many frames and styles to choose from these days, but it goes without […]

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A Complete Selection of Brand Name Eyeglasses Now Available Through West Coast Optical

For glasses wearers, it’s important to take the time and explore several available options before determining the ideal set of eyeglasses. Speaking with optometrists and other specialists is a critical element in this process. But there are few local companies serving Surrey, Langley, White Rock, and Aldergrove that can offer both qualified advice and access […]

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West Coast Optical Is Celebrating Their 25th Year In Business

West Coast Optical is celebrating their 25th year in business! In 1989, Gary and Andrew opened West Coast optical on the Langley Surrey boarder and have had the pleasure of helping families with their vision needs, and building relationships over the years. Our Mission statement has been consistent from the beginning, “our focus is your […]

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