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Category: Eyeglasses

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How Do I Properly Clean My Eyeglasses?

Someone’s hand holds a pair of pink framed eyeglasses under running tap water as an initial step to cleaning them

Eyeglasses are more than just a style statement—they’re essential for clarity and focus. But smudged or dirty lenses can quickly blur your vision and frustrate you. Learning how to clean your eyeglasses properly ensures crystal-clear sight and prolongs the life of your lenses and frames.   Proper form when cleaning your glasses is easier than you […]

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The Best Eyeglass Frames for Your Face Shape

A young adult winks behind a pair of purple-star-shaped sunglasses against a purple background.

Finding the perfect pair of eyeglasses can be as challenging as finding the right pair of jeans. You want something that complements your natural features, enhances your style, and feels comfortable. But did you know that picking eyeglass frames that match your face shape can make all the difference to your look? While almost no […]

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What to Do with Old Glasses

A close-up of an old pair of glasses with numerous scratches on its lens.

At some point, you’ll likely need to update your glasses prescription. It’s a great way to enjoy shopping for a new, stylish pair of frames. But there’s one important question many people ask themselves: what do you do with the old pair?

You can always:

See if your optometrist can reuse the frames

Donate them

Recycle them

Repurpose them for an art project […]

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